PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) pipe is a type of plastic pipework used for the conveyance of water, gas and chemicals. PVC pipe has its place in the construction world, but it can be used for a number of other purposes as well. It comes in a variety of sizes and strengths, and inspires people to creatively refurbish them in completely different ways.
Take a look at these fun and creative DIY PVC pipe projects, and learn how the masters mix tubes and connectors to create a variety of lightweight shapes and figures. From water shooter toy or marshmallow blow gun to a plant hanger or laptop stand, PVC pipe finds itself in all sorts of creative projects.
Fun DIY PVC Sprinkler. This will be great for kids playing in summer. It was inexpensive (less than $15) and easy to make. source
Turn PVC pipes into a playground musical instrument. source

PVC Pipe Water Shooter Toy for Kids. It’s simple to build and packs a lot of power. You’ll definitely want to build more than one. Dad is going to love this as much the kids. source
PVC Frame. Use differently sized pieces of pipe and stagger them throughout the frame. source

DIY PVC Pipe Vase for Mother’s Day. Wrap old family photos around the PVC pipes as a gift. source
PVC Pipe Sling Shot for Kids. Kids would have lots of fun building and playing with this PVC pipe sling shot. source
This PVC pipe periscope project is super simple and gives you a chance to show and explain to kids how mirrors work. It will keep your kids busy for hours as they search for spies and intruders. source
DIY PVC Pipe Bow and Arrows. The bow and arrows are super simple to make and make great party favors if you are hosting a party. source
Marble Run Made from PVC Pipes and Craft Sticks. It’s easy to make quick adjustments to the slope of the pieces so that the marble goes exactly where you want it to go. Kids would have so much fun playing this game. source
Make a Marshmallow Blow Gun out of PVC Pipe. To shoot, simply stick a mini marshmallow in the end of the gun and blow. The amount of air power is important. This would definitely make a great project for a scout group, church group, or after school club, or just as a family activity. source
PVC Water Balloon Catapult. Put a balloon in, pull the arm down as far as possible, let it fly. Kids would have fun with this project. source
Boat races with water squirters. Easy project for poolside fun. The kids get so competitive with each other. source
DIY PVC Pipe Whisper Phone. A whisper reader is like a little phone kids can whisper read into and hear their words amplified in their ears. It is a great way to build fluency and it lots of fun to use. source
DIY PVC Pipe Rocket Launcher. With basic supplies from the hardware store, a bike pump or air compressor, and a few empty plastical bottles, you can keep your kids happy for hours launching rockets 40 or 50 feet into the air. source
Transform PVC pipes into a fall wall. Tubes + Kids = Hours of play. A great way for kids to have fun learning while being creative and having fun. source
Colorful DIY PVC Pipe Laptop Stand. Bad computing posture can seriously hurt you. This colorful DIY laptop stand is a fun project that will also improve your posture. source
DIY PVC Pipe Bowling Game. Transform PVC pipes into bowling pins and do backyard bowling. There are lots of fun bowling on the lawn and knocking down these fun PVC pins. source
DIY PVC Pipe Napkin Rings. source
DIY PVC Pipe Chicken Feeder. A great idea to prevent chickens scooping the feed out of the feeder. source
Make a floating PVC planter for growing herbs in your house. source
DIY PVC Bath Toys. It would make a fun gift for a little water and construction lover. source
DIY PVC Pipe Reading Nook or Play House for Kids. source
PVC Wine Glass Holder. Cut a channel in the PVC pipe, then hang it upside down. A great kitchen storage idea. source
PVC Pipe Chairs. Kids can transport these Summer camp chairs easily since they’re made out of canvas and lightweight PVC pipes. source
DIY PVC Pipe Addition Machine. Such a fun idea to teach addition and it really helps those kids that need the hands on concrete learning. source
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