Looking for ideas for a good Eagle Scout service project? Wondering what type of Eagle Scout projects that other Scouts are doing? Just share these cool Eagle Scout project ideas and tell others about your most favorite one.
Large Checkerboard
With the help of friends and family, Matthew W. Lewis removes an old storage building and uses the concrete slab to paint a large checkerboard and provide pieces to be used by the youth of Latch Key and First Christian Church of Brownwood.
US Map Painting on School Playground
Fun, easy Eagle Scout project. Ryan approached an inner-city school about resurfacing & painting games on the playground. Loving the idea, the principal said he wished someone would someday paint a US map to inspire students to learn their geography.

Labyrinth Building
Boy Scout volunteers complete a Labyrinth for the Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church in Naples.
Little Free Library
This library was an Eagle Scout Project completed by the steward. It is located outside Wichita’s local KCTU 43 and serves the neighborhood surrounding the station and the local high school. The library itself has been featured on channel 43’s local programming.

Book Truck
The Book Truck provides new and gently used books to at-risk teens in the Los Angeles area.
Flower Power
Eagle Scout’s service project brightens up grounds at community mental health center.
Pallet Benches
Sensory Room
This is a sensory room for a local elementary school. It allows children with special needs to have a place where they can go to wind down and relax. It also has many items that can give children the sensory input they need to focus in a school setting.
Wooden Shelter for Wildlife Refuge
With Bridgestone Firestone as my major sponsor, I will be adding a soils component to the existing facilities in the form of a wooden shelter, a question and answer sheet, and two soil monoliths for horizon identification.
Restore Benches and Build Planters
With the help of some fellow scouts and adults, boy scout Jack Rickelmann restores three benches and build planters for St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church’s preschool, Koble’s Korner.
Project Abacus
Jared help out 100 first graders by making abacuses for them to learn math. The district is rolling out a new program for math learning in first grade, and what Jared did was a HUGE help.
In Ground Fire Pit with Pavers Surrounding
This eagle project consisted of an in-ground fire pit with pavers surrounding it in the shape of a cross, with four benches around the pit. The project was constructed with the Men’s Group at Living Waters Church in mind. The pit will be used by the church and school.
Eyeglass & Hearing Aid Recycling Project
Collecting used eyeglass and hearing aids would help the community recycle products that would be useful to the needy around the world.
Eagle Scout Works to Improve Hartman Reserve
Roman Wilson spent some of his time during the summer working on improving the entrance to Hartman reserve.
Treadle Pump
Isaac is a Life Scout, and is working to become an Eagle Scout. His Eagle Scout project is to build five pumps, and send them to Haiti.
Blanket Making Campaign for Patients
Eagle Scout candidate organized groups of volunteers – fellow scouts, friends, and relatives – to make 50 fleece blankets for elderly and pediatric emergency room patients and will deliver them to the hospital Thursday. The blankets can help ease the stress of an emergency room visit.
Balance Beams
Andrew Chautin created nine wooden balance beams and donated the finished product to therapists at United Services for Children in St. Peters. These beams will help children with disabilities learn to walk.
Scout Earns Eagle by Thinking big
As his Eagle Scout project, Jarod Sharp and volunteers from Scout Troop 332 built an oversized Adirondack chair for Phantom Lake YMCA Camp of Mukwonago. The big chair is now at the camp which will use it to promote a “big fun” atmosphere for their campers and guests.
Toy Drive
Tim Corbett, of local Boy Scout Troop 107, is holding a Toy Drive for Toy Box Connection this Saturday at Safety Town in Naperville.
Showed my scout master this link, he said he would only accept the fire pit, shelter, or the stairs if any of his boys wanted to do one of these.
I don’t believe it’s up to your Scoutmaster. Your project should be presented to your Eagle mentor (on your troop’s committee, not a SM or ASM) and needs to be approved by your local Council.
That’s too bad. Eagle Scout projects should serve others no matter the project. Not all projects involve building something at a campsite. I’m sure the people in Haiti are over joyed to have the pumps. And the abacus, sensory room, world map and checkers hand will benefit children for years. I am impressed by the scope and thoughtfulness evident in these projects! Hopefully your scout leader will reconsider his stance and look at the big picture.
I Love all of these ideas!!! they are so creative and helpful in different ways. What a great bunch of thoughtful boys 🙂
I love these ideas. And yes, it’s not up to your scoutmaster. It’s up to the council. Make sure you do your homework expressing how it will benefit the community. Eagle projects do not always have to be construction projects. Sensory room benefits autistic an unseen community.