Team building is one important quality that needs to be inoculated during childhood. Team-building activities or games are fun and constructive ways to help kids get to know team spirit, co-cooperativeness, and brotherhood and develop communication. We can’t explain clearly what the team spirit is with words. While it is easy to understand what team spirit is for kids through the activities. Let’s have a look at these interesting corporate and team building activities for kids and get more inspiration. These activities include rabbit hole, hula hoop relay race, beach ball race, marble runs and more. All these games or activities are suitable for kids to have fun outdoor or indoor.
Hula Hoop Team Building Activity
The groups had to move the hula hoop around in a circle until the marker was back where it started with only two fingers each and without dropping it. source
Rabbit Hole Team Building Activity
Children pack themselves into a tight circle and move around inside the hula hoop without dropping down the cones or other objects, which are used to prop the hula hoop off the ground. Imagination is the key in this challenge. This is a great activity to teach kids about personal space and build teamwork. Get more details here.
Beach Ball Race

Kids work together to hold beach ball between their backs for the first leg of the race, then their sides, then elbows. source
Cup Stacking Game for Kids
Group Structure Building

The groups need to move the cups from the assigned structure to a pyramid with three cups on bottom, then two cups then one on top. This game looks very easy to play, but full of challenge. Check out more deailed directions here.
Marble Runs
This game is perfect for many different occasions during the school year. source
Water Moving Teamwork Activity
This ia a fun game and ideas for demonstrating how to accomplish more when you work together and teach children the value of teamwork. source
Geometry Outdoor Teamwork Game
The groups must create assigned geometric shapes. source
Bridge Ball Game
This is a great game for students that can even be played in the classroom. All you need is one back and enough space for you group to form a circle. See more directions here.
Balloon Stomp
Players run around in the designated area and try to pop the other players’ balloons by stomping on them and also try to keep their own balloon from being popped. The player with the last unpopped balloon is the winner. Balloons, some string or yarn are all you need for this activity. source
Hula Hoop Relay Race
Ice breakers or team building activity for kids. source
Pass The Water Game
This Pass The Water Game is so easy and clever! All you need for this one is cups and water. Such a fun way to cool down on a hot day. source
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