Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication, is a Jewish holiday celebrated in December in remembrance of the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem. Kids love to create their own handmade crafts for the Festival of Lights. Take a look at these Jewish Hanukkah Crafts For Kids, which help your kids embrace the traditions of Hanukkah. From menorah to Star of David, these Hanukkah crafts for kids are not only super-cute, but they’re easy for little hands too.
Celebrate Hanukkah with this fun menorah made using fresh fruits and vegetables. Use a little bit of yogurt to help the fruit stick to the plate. source
This super cute and colorful Lego Hanukkah Menorah is great for practicing the kids’ fine motor skills. source

Make paper plate and clothespin menorahs and decorate clothespin candles with paint and glitter. source
A photo menorah on wall. source

Decorate the railing and mantel with the felt dreidel banner. source
Make a tot-friendly menorah with recycled glass jars and LED tea lights. source
Hanukkah Greeting Cards. source
Bead Ornaments For Hanukkah Made From Hama Beads or Perler Beads. source
This colorful Hanukkah menorah is made from glass tea light holders and colored tissue paper. It is great for small spaces, and crafts up very quickly. source
Make Cute Chanukah Decorations From Popsicle Sticks source
Handprints are a great way to make your own unique menorahs. source
Spinning Tops from Bottle Caps source
Cardboard tube chanukiah – a safe and easy menorah project and fine motor activity. source
A countdown-to-Hanukkah calendar with draidel pockets for each night. The pockets are perfect little holders for Chanukah chocolate coins, the real (green) stuff, draidels and little gifts. source
String the popsicle star of David together for Hanukkah decoration. source
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