Team building activities or games develop communication, coordination, cooperation and team spirit amongst people. Let’s have a look at some interesting corporate games that can be played within adults and kids.
Tennis Ball Transfer
This requires a large metal washer and a tennis ball for each group. The groups have to hold the strings and balance a tennis ball on the washer while walking and moving towards a plastic cup a distance away. Once the team successfully reaches the cup without dropping the ball, they have to work together to figure out how to get the ball into the cup without touching either one.
Tent Pole Game
Great Activity to do with older kids. Everyone in the group has to keep 2 fingers on the tent pole at all times. The goal is to bring the pole off the ground to a certain height without anyone taking their fingers off the pole. (Could go from a certain height then to the ground.) If someone’s finger comes off, the group must re-start.

Hula Hoop Team Building Activity
They had to move the hula hoop around in a circle until the marker was back where it started.
Marble Runs

Simple Team Building Game
Human Table Football
Team Building Game with Balloons
Fill the Bottle
Each team has to fill the empty bottle, passing water from one to another with the palms of their hands without any tools. The team that fills first or the maximum wins.
Group Structure Building
Human Caterpillar Wheel
Team Building & Leadership Training
Give them each a knife and a marshmallow and have them build a structure where all knifes are touching at least one other knife and only one marshmallow.
Trust Circle
The group must stand in a circle holding a rope or holding hands. People taking turns to lean in and out of the circle to test the trust and support of others.
Hi, my name is Lisaa and I work for Korea Arts & Culture Education Service. We publish nonprofit weekly web magazine about worldwide projects, ideas and cases that are related to arts & culture education, Our keyword for the 4th week of May is ‘cooperation’ and ’teamwork’, and under the idea category, we are going to introduce some ideas which is useful to build teamwork.
We thought this ‘10+ Team Building Activities for Adults and Kids’ from Hative blog is a wonderful idea to introduce to our Korean readers, so we want to ask for your permission to use some of your great photos and the concept of your idea. We will of course include your blog address to inform where this idea originally came from. which can cause Korean readers to also go into your blog and see other wonderful works you have done. Please send me back message if you don’t want your contents to be used. Thank you.