Melted crayon art is an easy and fun thing. It’s so simple, yet the end result can be stunning. Peoples of all ages can create different types of such crafts using different methods. The finished products can make great gifts or party favors.
Melted Crayon Burger

Melted Crayon Shawl
DIY Candle Holders

Hey, thanks for featuring my rainbow and showing the source link! I appreciate that. Good to see what other people are doing with melted crayons, too. Looks fun!
Thanks for featuring my You Are My Sunshine art! These are all really neat!
I would love to have the one called love in the rain
Thanks for featuring my trees 🙂 Glad you liked that little fall craft.
Original post from my previous blog::
Hello. I am starting a crafts class at my job and I would like to incorporate some of these into my classes. Can someone please tell me how you are melting the crayons and how you are assuring that they do not go all over the place? More specifically, I am wanting to do the heart and Laney Blowing Bubbles. Please help me.
Thank you.
Search Pinterest or google for something like ‘melted crayon art’ I also fell in love with these and decided to do with a youth group of 10-12 year olds. Some of the kiddos gave them to family members as gifts or hung them on the walls of their homes.
I gathered the tops from boxes of copy paper (asked stores and offices) to contain crayon splatter, got hair dryers from thrift shop, got some canvas panels in the art room but needed more so I used that foam poster board (black & white) from dollar store. I also got hot glue guns from dollar store.
I love this project it is so cool?
I made a project by painting on a canvas, then melting small pieces of broken crayon in a few places. I found that using a heat blower works better than a blow dryer.